HT1: Crystallization

prof. Areej Abuhammad 

The University of Jordan, Faculty of Pharmacy
Amman, Jordan

prof. Terese Bergfors  

Uppsala University,
Dept of Cell and Molecular Biology
Uppsala, Sweden

prof. Martin Caffrey 

Trinity College Dublin, School of Biochemistry and Immunology
Dublin, Ireland

prof. Elspeth Garman 

The University of Oxford, Department of Biochemistry,
Oxford, UK

HT2: Data Collection

dr. Saša Bajt 

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science
DESY and CUI (Center for Ultrafast Imaging) 


prof. Henry Chapman 

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, DESY
Hamburg, Germany

dr.  Annie Héroux

Beamline scientist
(Elettra, NSFL)

dr. Krešimir Molčanov

Ruđer Bošković Institute

dr. Dominik Oberthür

Center for Free-Electron Laser Science CFEL,
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY,

HT3: Processing & Structure determination

dr. Lucrezia Catapano, tutor

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,

Cambridge, UK

dr. Eugene Krissinel 

Science and Technology Facilities Council,
CCP4 core group
Oxford, UK

dr. Rob Nicholls 

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Cambridge Biomedical Campus, UK

HT4: Databases

dr. Kepa Burusco-Goni

Senior Cheminformatics Data Scientist

dr. Ilaria Gimondi

 Training, Education, and Outreach Officer

dr. Paulyna Magaña

AlphaFold DB Bioinformatician,
Protein Databank in Europe 

dr. Fabio Montisci

Research and Applications Scientist

dr. Genevieve Evans

PDBe Biocurator
(& Structural Biologist)
Protein Databank in Europe

A1: Bring your own sample

dr. Patrick D. Shaw Stewart

Douglas Instruments Ltd